Tuesday, January 20, 2015

random day

The beach! It was a little chilly that day but good times anyhow. 

Found this little guy. FL is full of critters. 

Yum yum

Fresh garden greens and eggs. A+ double + good

Some starfruit and orange. My neighbor has a starfruit tree that's full of them. 

Lettuce burrito 

Good memories

I may not celebrate xmas but I do enjoy a good xmas tree fire.

So this did scorch a banana tree or 2 but still good times. I'd say the fire went a good 10 ft high at least.

And last but not least,  pigeon peas! Great all around plant. Helps the soil when you cut it back. Helps your face when you want some awesome Jamaican food.  This is a high yield plant and a great addition to gardens. Provides just enough shade to prevent your tender garden plants from wilting too much in the sun. I have so much FOOD! I have a rule in my house - If your the least bit hungry eat whatever you find in the fridge or around. Even if it's the last one. I don't plan meals and I'm just happy to see all this food getting used before it goes bad. I can only eat so much. Often when I tell this rule to people who visit they don't seem to take me serious. I guess our society has taught us that food is expensive or hard to come by or something. I'm not really sure but it is a bit annoying when my friends ask me if they can have this or that after I tell them the rule. EAT! haha don't ask, just eat your fill. This is a house rule. Let the mainstream, fearful, and stingy worry about having enough food. I got other problems. 

Word of wisdom for the day:
Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. ~Christ.

Found in Matthew 6. 

I gotta say, I've tested this passage (see context) and find it to be true. I've lost count of the number of times I didn't know where my next meal was coming from. If you only knew a tenth of the stories. 

vid of the day

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