Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year New Path Cover

This is where the old fish pond was. It was an above ground pool. I'd throw weeds in the pool from time to time for the fish to eat as well as to create muck at the bottom. The muck can be harvested for use from time to time. 

Sheet mulching, cardboard is great for sheet mulching, just make sure you get the tape off. I've come after others who have sheet mulched and spent a good bit of time picking up plastic tape. Plastic does not belong in soil. 

This is one of the paths that I'm sheet mulching currently. I'll use newspaper to get the edges good. After working the land you will start to know which weeds do what. Some areas have weeds that don't die easy so I put the cardboard on a little extra thick in those places. 

an example of what it looks like after the mulch gets added. In this case I used pine needles, complements of the the neighbors trash. 

update on that banana tree.

Some people wet the cardboard right after they put it down. Some do it before. That allows it to conform to the earth a bit. It also starts the rotting process on the weeds you covered up. I normally prune a few papaya trees or banana trees and use that to hold it down. If you like to wet the cardboard consider doing it before it rains.  I do this in the rain sometimes. :)

Partly sheet mulched path on right.

Critter bedding used as mulch, complements of the local pet store. Down side of using old pet bedding is that occasionally there will be seeds in it. 

More sheet mulching

Normally I cut up the banana leaf a bit before putting it down for mulch. If you have ever worked with banana tree's you know why. Banana and papaya leaf can make the path a little slick, which can be fun as long as everyone is cool with it. I tend to put full leafs in low traffic areas.

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!! Hope it's a great one for you.

Word of wisdom for the day: 
If you plan to drink at a new years party, make sure you drink a lot of water also. Get yogurt or kefir for the next morning. Cheers!

I now have a donation button! If you would like to donate it would really help me speed up this project. $200 give or take pays for a dump truck full of mulch. 10 to 15 dollars helps me buy a new machete (one of the best farm tools ever) $1000 would probably be enough for me to get a new roof to replace my currently leaking one. Around $100 would let me buy 500 flower pots or more. $60 or so should let me get a bag of diatomaceous earth for organic pest control. 30+ ft extension ladder $300 to $500. Cat litter (clay) for sealing the ponds runs 1 dollar a bag. Mulch is currently the most pressing need... unless you consider a leaky roof pressing haha. Thank you all. 
If you want your money to go specifically to any one of these needs just drop me a note with the donation. 


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