Monday, December 29, 2014

Today pics not from my garden but I had a hand in making this one.

This is a pineapple hand picked by myself just a few days ago. Pineapple take a few years to get stated but are easy plants to tend to. I tend to put them far away from areas I frequent as they don't produce too quickly. This leaves space near frequently traveled paths for edibles that I use on a regular. To plant a pineapple you can just stick the top of one you got from the store in some dirt. Some start them first in water but I don't typically bother as they seem to root quite well just in the dirt. 

An egg with a wart! haha My cousin tells me that this irregularity is just some extra calcification. I'd never seen it before, Sorry the pics not that clear.

This is em, her fellow hen ployee died when a raccoon ripped her head off. I then gave this hen to some people who live in a more chicken friendly area. I do believe that it has been renamed "Chicken". 

Perhaps one day I'll have some chickens myself again but not till I get this huge coon problem under control.   I've already trapped 10 of them and they keep coming. 
Rain barrels a bench and a shaded area for the chickens to relax in. The white thing to the right is a 550 gal fish pond that was part of an aquaponics system I helped install. 

This is part of the flood and drain aquaponics system  If you don't know much about aquaponics I recommend checking it out. There can be a learning curve with these systems. Some of that for this one involved the grow medium. Should have gone with the clay balls rather than the pea gravel. Pea gravel gets too hot which makes a shade cloth necessary. It's also not the most ideal for root growth in my experience. The 55 gal drums cut in half eventually may bend and dump your water out. These accidents can drain the fish pond before they are caught. I'd go with a little more added reinforcement next time. 
Small diameter pipe tends to clog once a week or so.  Some plants root systems can prevent proper drainage, such as mint. It will actually grow into the drain pipe. I have an idea for a much more simple system that I may test here before long, 

Words of wisdom for today.
Use what you have rather than wanting more. I've found that want is sometimes my only "need". 

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